Monday, July 30, 2012

From the Archives

So haven't been shooting much lately so thought I'd post some more pic's from my archives, freshly scanned tonight from one of my photo albums, taken around 2000-2001 theres a couple from X-Air Hamilton in 2000 and a few of one of my old trails spots, 17th Ave Tauranga.

Steve Mc Cann, huge transfer from the quarter to flat-bank, this was huge and he throws in an unturndown for good measure. Photo by Warren Fryer.

Michael Perkins, another ripper from Australia, flip X on dirt. Pretty sure he did a quad barspin on park that year also. Photo by Warren Fryer.

These last pic's are of an old trail spot that Tim and Adam Shackleford, Leif Nicol and I built in Tauranga on 17th Ave, we used to ride that place every day, location was so good close to home, town etc, no trees though so that was a let down, still, gotta make do with what you got. By the time the council moved us we had 15 or so jumps with a roll-in built out of pallets. We also had Tim who was one of the most motivated diggers I've ever met, I think he might even give old mate Caleb a run for his money, anyway a few pic's of Tim and myself doing a few stunts. Photo's by Adam Shackleford.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Local shredder Scott White sent me though a link to the SkulleryBMXNZ Youtube channel he's been working on, head over and check it out, loads of footage of the 17th Ave and Tauranga locals.

Heres a short edit of local Alan Murphy from the channel.

Looking good Scott, keep pumping out the edits.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mid Winter Roast

Got in a sweet jam up the woods this weekend with Henry and Goldie, trails are running so good, been real lucky with this weather, can't beat being able to ride trails in the Winter. Looks like the rain is back for a few days, so plenty of digging to be done. Check out the edit we put together of the afternoon.

Mid Winter Roast from Carl Cavanagh on Vimeo.

Also Goldie sent me these pic's him and Henry took on his point and shoot to post, those boys were up the woods at 8 am Saturday morning riding by 9 so keen, its so good to have two guys so keen to dig and ride trails theres not to many of them around these days. Henry and Goldie had already un-tarped, groomed and put in a load of runs by the time I got there around half 11. All good though turn up and trails are groomed and ready to roast, cheers for that boys, although I still had to pay for it, trails took me out on my first run, sliding out on the last and getting covered in mud for my troubles. Anyway I digress, boys shot these before I showed up.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spent a bit of time up the woods this weekend, getting it done, no riding to be done you always dig more than you roast. And winter is the best time to dig! Few pic's for you to check out.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

10 Clips

To lazy to go to the trails the yesterday headed down to ATK for a roll instead, caught up with local shredder Reegan Masters, we filmed a few clips though out the evening, check out the edit.

Reegan Masters 10 Clips from Carl Cavanagh on Vimeo.