Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Warrior

Jed sent me though an email with an update on his trip, not much riding going on for me a the moment so you'll have to settle for this.
Cheers Jed.

"Hello everyone,

Here is a little update on my trip so far..

I landed on the 8th June so happy! I rested for a day at Lukes then headed out to Woodward West 1st thing the next morning with my bro Launching Lanc. We got there I signed up with my insurance number lol then hit it! I hit the 50ft and 60ft couple times each then went and had lunch in the camp. Went back after straight into the comp and hit the 70ft bout 4times. I have attached the link for the comp. I have 1 clip in the video about 3rd to last =)

I got home to Lukes that night sweet as... woke up in the morning with a reeeeal bad tweak in my shoulder.. so saw but I couldnt even remember crashing hard on it.. went to the doc for treatment and he gave me a solid 2 weeks off =( I did bail a double flip the day before on the 70ft! Its kinda all catching up, its good just gives me reason to rest! What better place than in the hot Cali sun!!!

We went shopping a few days latter and I brought this Nikkon D3100 with 2 lenses a memory card and a bag! Its a SLR and a 1080p hd movie camera ooooooooooooooooooolala stoked! Be ready to shoot mad stuff when I get home Hemi!! enjoy my 1st shots haha ill get better!!! love it..

Hope alls well and I look forward to getting shots and vids of me to you all... for now we have started prep for Dew Park round 1 Beach City, Meryland..

cheers, Jed"

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