Thursday, December 15, 2011

Round 1 postponed

NZDS Round 1 is postponed

Due to the bad weather this week the trails will not be running by the weekend.
The event will still be held just at a late date, to be confirmed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, can't control the weather.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Here's a sneak peek at the trophy's for the first round of the Dirt series this weekend, there will be an eight man final, get in the final take one of these home.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Had a sweet weekend up the trails, all lines are running for the first round of the dirt series this weekend. Snapped a few shots of a jam on Sat few riders from out of town showed up keen as to help and ride, cheers heaps, can never be too many people on shovels,

Gypsie, 360

Cooper, T-down

Jon Riddle ripps, he threw down on Sat, be one to watch for sure.

Our new water supply, these 2 tanks are filled from a 15000 litre tank at the top of the hill, big thanks to Yogi for sorting the water out and setting it all up, legend.

New downhill pump track, super fun and super fast. Open day this weekend, there will be a low-key 2 cross race after the jam on Saturday, info on the day.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue line

Had a sweet roll on the new line up the trails today, running so good!
Ready for the first round of the Dirt Series.

Got Henry to take a few shots of John and I jamming,
Cheers Henry.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

NZ Dirt Series

Flyer for the first round of the NZ Dirt Series
17th Dec 2011
More flyers to follow

Dates for rounds and points system.


Heres an edit I threw together from a jam at the trails last Sunday
We had a good turn out few of the S&F and PMP boys came for a jam,
trails got a good session.
Cheers for Henry a Angus for doing most of the filming.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 5th

Being unable to do our usual 5th November bon-fire and fireworks on the beach, due to someone unable to steer a ship around a reef that had been there for a thousand plus years, the beach was closed. Although I was invited to a backyard BBQ and fireworks so all turned out well anyway,

More trails...

Few pics of the trails

Went for a cruise around some of the trails, must remember 20 inch wheels, plastic pedals, and 80psi in your tires not so good on mountain bike trails. Summerhill has over 25km's of walking and mountain bike trails and some of the best views in the bay.

Hut in the middle of the woods,

View from the pa site

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Afternoon in the woods

Another day, another landing.
Been pretty wet up the trails this last week, not to bad, good for digging, pretty soon we'll be complaining of the lack of rain.

The shade has returned, fresh new growth on the trees.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moving pictures

Here's a small edit I made up of a weekend spent jamming the trails. Not all the lines are running yet so you get what you get..... not long though, Summer is almost here...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Spent the day claying up a landing, looking pretty sweet. Daylight savings is here, bring on the long evenings roasting trails also means there's loads of water to be carried.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shed Seven

Here's a small edit, filmed and edited by an old friend of mine Jason Fox. I have loads of old footage sitting on my hard drive I could bore you for hours. This edit is a bunch of clips all filmed around 2004-06 at my old indoor set-up, Shed Seven, see if you can name all the NZ riders in there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A few of the local riders organized an, all night jam at Arataki skate park last weekend, quite a good turn-out, no way was I hanging around all night although I did stop in for a roll,and a beer also managed a few shots. Check out the slide show.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Head over and check out Whangamata local Caleb Davidsons blog Siligna Woods for some nice pic's of a jam at Summerhill trails last weekend.
Sick pic's Caleb cheers.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Trail season

Weather has been so amazing lately been able to ride the trails a few times, been digging heaps getting ready for good.

Here's a Gif I made up, cheers Caleb for holding down the trigger.

Bring on Summer.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Stopped in for a jam on Adams backyard mini the other night and couldn't resist snapping a pic of local ripper Richard West, gettin' his Grizz on. Can't wait for the bowl section to be added on!!

Ramp owner Adam Rae, busting a table on home turf

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Feels like summer!

The weather has been so good lately!! feels like summer, just reminds me how good it is to live here...

Snapped a few shots at 17th Ave the other day of two locals, Scott White and Giulio Laura hitting the box jump...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On the road

Went on a bit of a road trip on the weekend via Mata Mata to pick up Mr Simon Cavanagh, because he actually decided to move there???? caught up with Hugh at the Langlands homestead in C-Town for a jam in the foam pit (cheers Paul) and on the way home a sweet roll at an old favorite of mine, "Putaruru bowl".

Loaded up ready to roll.

Mata Mata skate park, wonder how long those alloy sheets will stay on there??

Karapiro Dam, on the way to Putaruru.

Good old Putaruru

Hugh boosting a huge T-bog
Sorry for the lack of riding pics, but I wanted to ride so "you get what you get"

These next 2 pics of Cristian Orellana were taken by Alan Murphy
Cris kills it wherever he goes.

Also big thanks to Hugh for hooking me up with a shit load of tarps for the good,
cheers bro.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Had a sweet jam at 17th Ave skatepark couple a nights ago.
Here's a few pics taken by a friend of mine, Angus Templeton.

Alan from Skullery bmx hitting the quarter.

Alan again with a clicked one-foot X.

Couple of pics of yours truly, hitting the box.

Cheer's Angus.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Winter Roast..

Had a sick ride at the trails today with Henry, pretty lucky with the weather this last week so another mid-winter trail jam for good!!!
Here's some pic's of the trails you all missed out on riding.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Here's a pic taken at Arataki skatepark about a month ago,
Cristian Orellana, barspin to tire tap.
I just thought it looked sick so I had to post it.

Photo credit, Angus Templeton.


Made this time lapse this afternoon in between the showers of rain,
2nd lip on the new skullery line.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update from Jed

Here's an update from Jed on his journeys. Cheers Jed.

The past two weeks have been fun and productive. There was a video clip shoot for Chris Gentry at Stephen Murrays house a couple weeks ago. Other than that Luke and I have been jamming the yard and the new line the past week. Heres a photo of the Ute I got, a firework display at The Compound on July 4th and a Red Hawk, theres a nest of them close by and they learn to fly in the yard its cool. There was one of them the other morning eating a rat of the top of the big trick landing.

The Is What It Is Jam is set for next weekend 16th July in the back yard. Looks sick Vans and Pro Tech are sponsoring it so it looks like it will be some fun times! The weekend after is 1st round of Dew Tour Park in Beach City Merylands on the East Coast. So ill have some news for you all soon.

Thanks heaps,

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Had a good day at the trails today, got the skullery boys along for a dig, got loads done. Started a new line "the Skullery line" should be sick, get so much done when there's a few diggers.